LANDCARE EUROPE is nominated for the Natura 2000 Award

Peatlands, grasslands, organic soils and agroforestry systems are natural carbon sinks. The way agricultural land is used influences its capacity for carbon storage. A great amount of these areas are located in Natura 2000 sites. Natura 2000 sites are special protected areas in which a good ecological condition must be achieved by the Member States […]

Gesellschaft für nachhaltige Entwicklung (GNE)

Conclusions After the Last Ready4NetZero Web Seminar

The web seminar was organized by PNEC- Association of Municipalities Polish Network „Energie Cités“, the coordinator of the Ready4NetZero project, and hosted by Izabela Kuśnierz. She gave a brief presentation of the Ready4NetZero project and a summary of the 5 web seminars organized so far, with indications of the recorded materials and presentations that can […]

Mapping Building Material Stocks in Cities: Regional Material Cadastres

EUKI project CirCon4Climate contributes to minimising natural resource consumption and climate change mitigation through strengthening circular construction practices in Czechia, Poland, and Slovenia. The paper „Mapping Building Material Stocks in Cities: Regional Material Cadastres“ by CirCon4Climate outlines the creation of regional material cadastres, databases managing information on building materials in specific areas, to support circular […]

Landcare Europe – Unterstützung des natürlichen Klimaschutzes in der Landwirtschaft 

Hintergrund Moore, Wiesen, humusreiche Böden und Agroforstsysteme sind natürliche Kohlenstoffsenken und haben einen Einfluss auf die Fähigkeit landwirtschaftlicher Flächen, Kohlenstoff zu speichern. Diese klimafreundlichere Bodennutzung in der Landwirtschaft ist eines der Ziele des deutschen Aktionsprogramms Klimaschutz 2030.  Die Verwendung von EU-Fördermittel für landwirtschaftliche Betriebe in der Europäischen Union wird in der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik (GAP) geregelt. […]

Deutscher Verband für Landschaftspflege e.V. (DVL)

Implementing Lessons from MENERGERS

The training aimed to prepare the expert teams of the three pilot municipalities in Bulgaria – Ruse, Sapareva Banya and Svilengrad for the implementation of the compiled model of the Energy Manager Services. This model, developed to enable municipalities to fulfil their role as local energy managers successfully and thereby contribute to national climate goals, […]

Conclusions Webinar 5: „Climate Neutrality Awareness, the Key to Society Involvement in a Sustainable Future“

Izabela Kuśnierz, from PNEC – Association of Municipalities Polish Network „Energie Cités“, the coordinator of the project, welcomed the participants to the 5th webinar of the project, which delved deeper into the concept of Climate Neutrality. The main objectives of the project were mentioned, including the capacity-building webinars, workshops, study visits, the communication campaign and […]

Lebenszyklen von Gebäuden

Das vom Projekt entwickelte Instrument zur Analyse von Lebenszyklen in Gebäuden (LCA) wurde 94 Teilnehmer*innen aus 12 EU-Ländern und 6 Nicht-EU-Ländern vorgestellt, darunter Kommunalvertreter*innen sowie Vertreter*innen aus Politik, Wissenschaft, dem Privatsektor usw. Das LCA-Tool ermöglicht die Analyse des Energieverbrauchs und anderer Umweltauswirkungen, die mit allen Phasen des Lebenszyklus eines Gebäudes verbunden sind, und nicht nur mit denen, die mit dem Betrieb und der Instandhaltung zusammenhängen. Ziel des Tools ist es, die Umweltauswirkungen der Erhaltung eines Gebäudes im Gegensatz zu seinem Abriss und Neubau aufzuzeigen.

Applications Open for 2024 Climate and Energy Fellowship for Journalists from Germany and Central Eastern Europe

The German non-profit organization IJP would like to announce its seventh special fellowship for journalists interested in reporting in the field of climate and energy. The bursary is offered to up to ten journalists from Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, and Slovenia with a passion for climate and energy topics. During the six […]