Online Survey of Experts in the fields of Green Technologies and Education – Results at a Glance

The aim of the EUKI project ‚GreenVOCnet – Vocational Empowerment for a Green and Socially Just Transition‘ is to develop vocational skills in two exemplary climate-relevant technologies, heat pumps combined with renewable energies and green hydrogen. GreenVOCnet addresses the shortage of skilled workers, the lack of expertise and also the lack of acceptance that inhibit […]

Women In eNergy – Bündnis zur Stärkung von Frauen im Energiesektor

Hintergrund Die Bevölkerung muss sich engagieren, damit das Ziel des europäischen Grünen Deals erreicht und der Kontinent bis 2050 klimaneutral wird. Schließlich betreffen die hierfür notwendigen Veränderungen der Produktions- und Verbrauchsmuster einen großen Teil des täglichen Lebens einer Person. Die Beteiligung der Bevölkerung könnte besser sein, was vor allem an mangelndem Wissen über Energiethemen und […]

SEGE – Greek Association of Women Entrepreneurs

MediterRE3: Another Opportunity to Share

Fire-prone landscapes in the Mediterranean In the framework of the MediterRE3 project, led by Istituto Oikos (Italy), 4 partners and 8 members of the Medforval network (Network of Mediterranean Forest Landscapes of High Ecological Value) gathered from 2nd to 5th October 2023 at the Luberon Natural Regional Park (France). The purpose of the meeting was […]

Study Visit on Bulky Waste Management to Denmark and Sweden

The purpose of the study visit was to get acquainted with the structures and initiatives of Copenhagen, Gothenburg and Malmö in the recycling of bulky waste and the operation of material reuse centres. The visit included six material reuse centres: three in Copenhagen, two in Gothenburg and one in Malmo. The material recycling centres that […]

GreenVOCnet – Grünes Unternehmertum motivieren

Hintergrund In Griechenland, Spanien und der Slowakei ist der fachliche Wissensstand zu innovativen und klimarelevanten Technologien gut ausgeprägt. Es mangelt jedoch ein intensiver Austausch dazu mit kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) sowie berufsbildenden Einrichtungen. Dies führt dazu, dass in den drei Ländern qualifizierte Arbeitskräfte fehlen, die diese Technologien vermarktbar machen können. Besonders akut ist der […]

Municipality of Kavala Invests in Knowledge Transfer on Bulky Waste Management

The study visit aimed to get acquainted with structures and initiatives in the Netherlands to recycle bulky waste. The participants were interested in the CIEPs involved in processing and reusing MSW materials and the highly organized system of reuse, meeting the furniture needs of vulnerable social groups at the neighborhood level, and creating jobs for […]

Online Survey of Experts in the fields of Green Technologies and Education

EUKI project „GreenVOCnet – Vocational Empowerment for a Green and Socially Just Transition“ is a project network of FIAP e.V. (Germany) with long-standing partners: the German-Greek Chamber of Industry and Commerce (Greece) Pedal Consulting (Slovakia), AICIA (Spain) and a broad network of enterprises and vocational schools.

Young Climathon 2023 in Riga Develops Circular Economy Solutions

Fourteen teams from 11 cities and counties of Latvia participated and presented various solutions. These included the creation of different exchange points in schools for art-related waste, reusable school-related items, clothes, and social enterprises that collect textiles and create pet toys. Other solutions included smart fridges with artificial intelligence and sensors, smart deposit systems that […]

Raising-Awareness Events in Greece and Cyprus

Greece’s first raising-awareness event was held in Athens, on Friday, November 3, 2023 while the second one was held on the 19th of December. The events were hosted by the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (project coordinator) at their premises and was supported by the Hellenic Passive House Institute (project partner), the Cyprus Energy […]