You Can’t Manage What You Don’t Measure: How Data Management Improves Local Climate Action

by Julia Legelli, adelphi

Published: 06 February 2020

Street lighting consumes more electricity than any other public installation in Kalamata. Thanks to a rigid assessment to comply with the energy management standard ISO 50001, the municipality can now prioritise their energy efficiency measures accordingly. In many cases, however, it is not as possible or easy to measure climate impacts of municipal actions, as it is to simply measure electricity consumption. On 10-12 December, municipal representatives from Portugal, Greece and Germany exchanged experiences and knowledge on data collection and management issues related to climate action at a BEACON thematic workshop in Viana do Castelo, Portugal.

They addressed questions such as: What shall we measure and how can we communicate the relevance of data management to our colleagues and superiors? What role does open data play in municipal climate action? And how can we link climate action to an overall sustainable development in the municipality? Experts from the University of Lisbon, from the cities of Viana do Castelo and Cascais and a German IT consulting fed their expertise into the discussions during the workshop.

Live sketching (below) provides insight into the workshop’s outcomes. For further information about the workshop, contact adelphi at