Factsheet: Financing Sustainable Building Renovations


EUKI project SURF supports Germany, Hungary, and Romania in promoting sustainable building renovations to achieve climate-neutral building stocks. By focusing on empowering municipal actors, the project provides tools and training to address the untapped potential for energy-efficient renovations in public buildings.

The factsheet about Financing Sustainable Building Renovations explores financing solutions for sustainable building renovations, crucial to reducing the building sector’s 36% share of the EU’s energy-related emissions. It highlights innovative mechanisms like green bonds, revolving funds, and the InvestEU program to address funding gaps. SURF presents a project from the regional government of Île-de-France as a best practice example which demonstrates how green bonds funded a school renovation, achieving a 56% energy reduction and avoiding 90 tons of CO₂ annually. This showcases the potential of sustainable financing to drive large-scale energy-efficient renovations and meet EU climate goals.

This factsheet is also available on the website of Deutsche Umwelthilfe in Romanian and Hungarian language.

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