Romania’s Offshore Wind Potential: Policy Pathways for Sustainable Development
EUKI project BLUECEE establishes exchange formats on offshore wind energy. Thereby the project strengthens the capacity for decisive action and good governance in Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, and Romania.
This policy paper highlights Romania’s potential to become a regional leader in offshore wind energy development in the Black Sea, with an estimated 76-94 GW of untapped potential. The adoption of the Offshore Wind Law in 2024 is a significant step, but challenges such as regulatory gaps, complex permitting, and the need for binding targets remain. Environmental protection is critical, requiring localised studies and international best practices. Romania’s Maritime Spatial Plan, adopted in 2023, needs broader stakeholder engagement. To unlock offshore wind potential, Romania must upgrade infrastructure, including port and grid capacity, and address the installation vessel shortage. Sector-specific agreements can accelerate progress and help position Romania as a regional energy leader.