Federal Environment Ministry Supports Climate Action Projects Across Europe

Im dritten Ideenwettbewerb der Europäischen Klimaschutzinitiative (EUKI) des Bundesumweltministeriums wurden 18 neue Projekte zur Finanzierung ausgewählt. Gemeinnützige Organisationen hatten sich mit innovativen und grenzüberschreitenden Ideen zum Klimaschutz in der Europäischen Union (EU) beworben. Bei den Projekten geht es beispielsweise um den kommunalen Klimaschutz, den Kampf gegen Energiearmut, um nachhaltigen Verkehr und klimafreundlichen Tourismus. Die Gesamtzahl der EUKI-Projekte steigt damit auf 82.

Published: 04 December 2019

Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze commented: “Since its launch in 2017, EUKI has become a successful funding instrument to strengthen European cooperation. Organisations from all over Europe submitted 114 proposals, from which we selected 18 new projects. The wide range of projects and organisations and the innovative ideas give us hope for climate action in Europe.”

EUKI projects include municipal energy management, pedestrian-friendly streets, sustainable corporate guidelines, climate marketing models and fair structural change. One project supports electric mobility in Poland and Germany by developing ideas for sustainable urban transport. The project aims at establishing a multi-stakeholder platform for cooperation to promote mutual learning under the lead of Forum Energii. Six new projects were selected with a focus on energy, three each in the areas climate policy, buildings and municipalities and mobility, and one project each for awareness and sustainable economy.


EUKI annual report

EUKI is now funding projects in 25 EU countries. Malta is included in this list for the first time with the organisation Health Care Without Harm Europe, which aims to save CO2 emissions in the health sectors of various Mediterranean countries.
With the launch of the projects selected during the third call for ideas, the EUKI community is growing. Forty-five non-governmental organisations, educational and research institutes, municipalities and non-profit organisations take part in the projects. Implementation agencies and their partners include municipal energy agencies from Riga and Tartu, foundations such as the Czech Frank Bold Society and organisations such as the Network of Sustainable Greek Islands (DAFNI), Energy Cities and the WWF. The European Climate Initiative is now cooperating with more than 160 partners.

Press release of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) dated 04 December 2019