Comillas Pontifical University

German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin)

REKK Foundation for Regional Policy Co-operation in Energy and Infrastructure (REKK Foundation)

WiseEuropa – Foundation Warsaw Institute for Economic and European Studies

Climate-Friendly Materials Platform: Supporting the Transition in Central and Southern Europe

The Platform aims to contribute to a shared understanding of tangible policy options and eventually, common policy action at national and EU level, an effective exchange of experience to be fed into the different national decision-making processes and the effective provision of relevant research as a basis for successful implementation, industrial innovation and evidence-based investment decisions. While, so far, the focus of the Platform has mainly been on North-Western Europe, this project aims to support the position of Southern and Central-Eastern European countries.

Report: Building Blocks for a Climate-Neutral European Industrial Sector

The Climate Friendly Materials (CFM) Platform presents a concrete package of policy instruments to pursue transformative investments.

Report: U progu zmian: Polska polityka przemysłowa wobec niskoemisyjnej transformacji (Polish)

This report shows ways in which Poland could become one of the European pioneers in building a low-emission industry.

Report: Inclusive Transformation of the European Materials Sector

National and European efforts are needed to reduce CO2 emissions in the European basic materials sector. The report analyses the situation in Poland, Spain and Hungary.

Summary: The Transformation of the Hungarian Basic Materials Sector Towards a Low Carbon Economy

A round table with stakeholders from industry, politics and research discussed the decarbonisation of the Hungarian basic materials sector.

Report: The Transformation of the Spanish Basic Materials Sector Towards a Low Carbon Economy

The report by the Institute of Technological Research (IIT) of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas provides background information on the Spanish materials sector and analyses national policies.