Frank Bold Poland

Frank Bold Society, z.s.

Improved Sustainability Corporate Disclosure Policies

Investors and banks need clear, concise, and comparable data to adjust their investing strategies so that they can be assured that they invest in sustainable assets.

SMEs and the Future of European Sustainability Reporting Rules – Small Businesses deserve to get Clarity to address the Sustainability Challenge

Small businesses are the lifeblood of our economy. They are the biggest source of innovation, employment and represent growth opportunities towards a sustainable and low carbon economy. The transition is already underway. It is essential that SMEs are not left behind and are considered adequately in the discussions.

The missing piece: Corporate Sustainability Standards in the EU and how they fit with the Investors’ Disclosure Regulation and Taxonomy

To mobilise sustainable finance for the transformation of the European economy, the EU strategy rests on covering the gap of additional investments needed to meet the EU’s climate objectives. This article highlights the importance of transparent corporate sustainabiltiy reporting.

Climate Transition Plans: How EU standards can help companies to focus on the right data

Across the EU, companies struggle with analysing climate risks and opportunities and providing the right data about their climate transition plans. This article focusses on methodology that can be used to simplify this process.

Improving climate and sustainability corporate disclosure policies to enable sustainable finance

Assessment of climate and environmental disclosures of companies from Southern, Central and Eastern Europe published pursuant to the EU Nonfinancial Reporting Directive (EU NFRD).

New data shows some, yet insufficient progress in companies’ climate and environmental disclosures at a turning point for sustainability reporting in Europe

EUKI project “Improving climate and sustainability corporate disclosure policies to enable sustainable finance” has analysed corporate disclosures across Europe and presents detailed findings. Only few companies provide sufficiently detailed information on their climate policies and risks.

Event: The State of Corporate Sustainability Reporting in the EU

The event on 17 February in Brussels will see the presentation of the research carried out by the Alliance for Corporate Transparency. The research included the preliminary assessment of the reports of 75 companies in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe,