Strategic Green Transition Plan for Tuzla Takes Shape

Representatives of 19 different organisations including the regional ministries, centre for international cooperation and development, university, business support system, civil society and various sectors of city public services have attended the round table for preparation of the strategies of green transition of the city of Tuzla, organised within the EUKI project SAGT.

by Borut Jurišić, Regional Development Agency for Podravje - Maribor

Published: 09 December 2024

The Regional Development Agency for Podravje – Maribor in Slovenia from the EUKI project SAGT is building capacity of the staff of the City of Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and BIT Center (Bosnia and Herzegovina) to prepare a strategic document for Green transition of the city.

The activity started with a screening interview in January and a knowledge transfer workshop took place in June this year. Based on these two activities the staff of City of Tuzla has organised a round table for achieving the green transition of the city of Tuzla.

The event was organised on November 28th and 40 stakeholders representing the local and regional authorities, academic sphere, industry, and NGOs active in the fields of quality of live and environment preservation have attended.

During the plenary part the participants have presented the project SAGT, national legislation for preparatio of strategic documents, current platform for monitoring air quality in Tuzla and potential cooperation with the Republic of Slovenia.

The plenary part was followed by a workshop, where the participants prepared a SWOT analysis on three aspects of the strategic approach to green transition: green economy, air quality, and regulatory frameworks.

The participants have identified the main goals of the strategy, which is improvement of air quality through various meassures: reduction of individual heating as the main cause of air pollution in winter, stimulation of city transport that does not rely on fossil fuels (walking, cycling, clean public transport), spatial planning supporting wind coridors, regulation on use of eco standards in individual transport, preservation of natural forests for sustaing the capacity for absorbing CO2 emmissions, just transition to non fossile society, new research for production of fuel based on use of atmospheric CO2.

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