Study visit to Dresden in the framework of the DUET project
In the middle of March 2024, a delegation of representatives of Polish local governments visited Dresden as part of EUKI project DUET. The main purpose of the study visit was to learn about Dresden’s approach to the topic of energy management, renewable energy sources, energy-efficient infrastructure, and to gain inspiration on sustainable practices in the city.

The event started on the 13th of March at Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden). The official opening session was an opportunity for smooth introduction of the EUKI project DUET and networking between all the participants of the event.
After the opening meeting the entire group visited the experimental CUBE building made of carbon concrete. This project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, exemplifies innovative architectural and construction solutions. Berk Gündogdu from the Institute for Concrete Structures of the TU Dresden introduced participants to the university’s research in innovative construction. He also presented the properties of carbon concrete, which is up to four times lighter and stronger than ordinary concrete, and its use would help minimize resource consumption in construction processes and reduce CO2 emissions from the construction sector by up to 50%.

Study Visit to Dresden. © Photo: DUET
In the afternoon, the group visited the Transparent Factory (Die Gläserne Manufaktur) in Dresden, owned by Volkswagen AG, is the first carbon-neutral factory. The facility is equipped with a unique heat regulation system and the largest public charging station for electric vehicles in Dresden. These solutions help save up to 3,600 tonnes of CO2 annually. During the visit, participants also had the opportunity to see a CO2-neutral electric cars production station.
Another point of the event was a visit to a biogas plant located in the Klotzsche district. Sven Wegeleben, Head of the Department of Decentralized Generating Plants, discussed the operation of the facility, which was launched in September 2010. Biogas is produced there by a multi-stage anaerobic digestion process of a mixture of renewable raw materials and cattle manure, at a temperature of about 38-40°C. Operation of the biogas plant allows to save 3,051 tons of CO2 per year.

Study Visit to Dresden. © Photo: DUET
The group started the second day of the study visit with a meeting at City Hall held at the Bürgerlabor Dresden, which is the Dresden Citizen’s Lab. The place provides a transfer space for dialogue between the city administration and citizens. The meeting with representatives of Polish local governments was opened by Eva Jähnigen, Mayor for the Environment, who presented the city’s climate protection activities. Also Bydgoszcz representative gave a presentation on Bydgoszcz’s road to energy self-sufficiency. Next, Michael Anz, SmartCity Manager, introduced participants to the city projects, which aimed to transform Dresden into a leading European smart city and create a more efficient, sustainable and cleaner living space for citizens to meet the challenges of climate change. In the end, Anh-Minh Vu gave a presentation about the NEUTRALPATH project, which aims to develop clean energy districts and co-design efficient and climate-friendly solutions. During each presentation, participants actively asked questions, which were a chance to develop the topics discussed and thus expand their knowledge.

Study Visit to Dresden. © Photo: DUET
The final part of the study visit was a guided city walk through Dresden to learn about the city’s other sustainable activities. The group learned about the numerous initiatives implemented by the city focusing on climate change adaptation, sustainability and mobility, among others.

Study Visit to Dresden. © Photo: DUET
To sum up, the visit to Dresden was a great opportunity to expand networking and learn more about sustainable energy management activities. Dresden’s representatives shared inspiring ideas that provide a solid foundation for the further development of Polish cities towards a more sustainable energy future inspiring by DUET activities.
The aim of EUKI project DUET is to develop energy management systems in cities by developing, testing, and disseminating tools supported by information and communication technologies (ICT). The project will analyse the possibilities for more effective energy monitoring and management and then improve the energy data collection system in the City of Bydgoszcz.