EUKI Projects and Climate Awareness

With this video the EUKI shares an inside look into two projects working in the field of awareness.
The video highlights the importance of raising awareness among the general public as well as among specific target groups about general and technical climate action issues. Viewers learn about the areas and regions (schools, editorial offices, universities, etc.) in which the EUKI is involved. Two EUKI projects are then introduced: On the one hand, the project ‘Climate School’ in the curriculum of Bulgarian schools is presented, on the other hand, we get an insight into the work of young journalists from Central and Eastern Europe who work on the topics of climate and energy.

One of the journalists is Katja Lihtenvalner. She is an IJP-Fellow with the German-Central Eastern European Journalist Exchange Programme. The International Journalists’ Programmes (IJP) are a non-profit and economically as well as politically independent organization for the promotion of young journalists. The German-Central Eastern European Bursary is funded by the EUKI.

EUKI projects mentioned in this video:
Towards the introduction of Climate Action in the Educational Curriculum of Bulgarian Schools
Central Eastern European Climate and Energy Policy Scholarship for Journalists

Thank You for the support:
National Trust EcoFund (NTEF):
Internationale Journalisten-Programme e.V.:

© EUKI/Atelier Limo

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