Bilanz: Deutsch-Französische Energiewendewoche Broschüre: Das Klima schützen, Europa stärken – Die Europäische Klimaschutzinitiative (EUKI) des Bundesumweltministeriums Studie: Domestic Landscape of Climate Finance: Why Systemic Approach to Climate Finance Matters Booklet: Unleashing the Power of Community Renewable Energy Studie: A Just Transition of European Coal Regions: Assessing Stakeholder Positions Towards the Transition Away from Coal Studie: The Political Economy of the Low Carbon Transition: Climate & Energy Snapshot Romania Studie: The Political Economy of the Low Carbon Transition: Climate & Energy Snapshot Bulgaria EUKI-Pressespiegel 2/2018 Studie: Emission Reduction Strategies for the Transport Sector in Italy Studie: Good heating practices from Denmark and Germany – Conclusions for Poland