Expert Forum Association

WiseEuropa – Foundation Warsaw Institute for Economic and European Studies

Climate Strategies

Climate Analytics gGmbH

Klimapolitik in Mittel- und Osteuropa

Das EUKI-Projekt fördert Klimaschutzmaßnahmen in den Sektoren Geäude und Verkehr. Probleme werden analyisert und Möglichkeiten zur Verbesserung gefunden.

Interview: Anhaltendes Engagement für den Klimaschutz trotz der Krise

Trotz der Krise steht das Klimathema weiterhin auf der politischen Agenda, berichtet Aleksander Śniegocki. Er betont außerdem, dass der Klimadialog durch den Einsatz webbasierter Kommunikationsmittel integrativer und umweltfreundlicher werden kann.

Studie: Policy Options from Beyond Central and Eastern Europe to Bridge the Gap Between the Region and the Paris Agreement Goals

Diese Studie befasst sich mit der Frage, welche Aspekte von Best Practice in der Bau- und Verkehrspolitik auf die MOE-Länder übertragbar sind.

Climate Policies for Transport and Buildings

The CEE Climate Policy Frontier workshop in Warsaw brought together experts from government, industry, non-governmental organisations and analytical centres in the Visegrád (V4) Group – Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary – to assess the challenges and opportunities for adopting best climate policy practices in the transport and buildings sectors.

1.5°C in the Transport and Building Sector

On Friday 25 October 2019, around 30 stakeholders and guests, mostly from Eastern European EU Member States and Germany, discussed the potential for emissions reductions in the building and transport sectors.

Report on Good Climate Policy Practices within Transport and Buildings Sectors in the CEE Region

What is the frontier of good policy practices in climate action in transport and buildings sectors in the CEE region? What can the CEE countries learn from each other in this area? The brochure prepared by WiseEuropa, Climate Strategies and Expert Forum in cooperation with national experts from the region presents the answer to these questions based on indicator and policy analysis covering six countries: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria.