All Stakeholders Meeting: Sustainability Actions in the Lower Danube Floodplain and the Danube Delta

The Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development (INCDDD) Tulcea coordinates the implementation of the EUKI project “Ecological resizing through actions and urban and rural dialogues for GHG mitigation in the floodplain of the Lower Danube and the Danube Delta (EDAPHIC-BLOOM Danube)”. During the 30th International Scientific Symposium “Deltas & Wetlands” in Tulcea, the project team organised an All Stakeholders Meeting around their 3D Initiative for the decarbonisation of the Danube Delta.

by Edward Bratfanof, EDAPHIC-BLOOM Danube

Published: 15 June 2023

The project is in accordance with the national climate policy defined in the Sustainable Development Strategy of Romania 2030, updated according to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and proposes to strengthen the capacities to mitigate greenhouse gases (GHG) in the Danube Floodplain and the Danube Delta, through conservation / restoration of organic soils and increasing energy efficiency in the built environment sector.

All Stakeholders Meeting at the International Scientific Symposium in Tulcea,
Photo: ©EDAPHIC-BLOOM Danube

Between June 5 – 9, 2023, the All Stakeholders Meeting hybrid event integrated into the International Symposium “Deltas & Wetlands 2023 took place in Tulcea, which brought together relevant specialists and researchers from Romania and abroad (Mrs. Elisabetta BALZI, Head of Unit – DG Research and Innovation, Mrs. Andreea Strachinescu, Head of Unit – DG MARE, Mr. Amb. Lazăr COMĂNESCU, Secretary General – Black Sea Economic Cooperation, Dr. Robert LICHTNER, Coordinator – EU Strategy for the Danube Region, Mrs. Ulrike LEIS, Deputy Director – Project Finance Program European Climate Initiative (EUKI), Prof. Dr. Doc. Petre GÂŞTESCU – Bucharest University, Prof. Dr. Erika SCHNEIDER – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Dr. Delia DIMITRIU, Climate Impact Director – Smarter Mobility Solutions and others), held presentations within the 3D Initiative (Decarbonizing Danube Delta). More than 200 representatives from 22 countries participated in the event.

During the event, relevant themes related to the pillars of the Strategy for decarbonisation of the project area developed by the 3D Initiative were presented: Mobility Pillar, Agriculture Pillar, Energy Pillar, Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation Pillar, Circular Economy Pillar, Water-Food-Biodiversity Nexus and 3D International Actions (EU Missions, COP 28).

Who benefits?

EDAPHIC BLOOM Danube is an excellent example of how local authorities and the private sector can benefit from the results of applied research in order to solve problems or implement various official documents (development strategies, etc.). In short, the benefits are as follows:

  • A Master Plan for GHG reduction will be developed and a Cluster for sustainable development will be created with the role of facilitating the dialogue between the academic environment, the private environment, public authorities and citizens;
  • A Guide to good practices and consultancy for the sustainable and profitable use of soils in the target areas in order to reduce GHG emissions will be available for public and private entities;
  • An energy efficiency map through an online platform that will facilitate public access to a series of information on the energy efficiency of the built environment. The platform will be administered by Tulcea City Hall (after the end of the project) and will have other functions useful for public management;
  • 20 experts benefited from training according to the “Passivhaus Standard” from Germany.