Event: The State of Corporate Sustainability Reporting in the EU

The event on 17 February 2020 in Brussels will see the presentation of the results of the research carried out on the content and quality of the disclosures of 1,000 European companies, the largest study to date on corporate sustainability reporting. The discussion will focus on the central role of companies’ reporting in the sustainable finance and corporate governance debate and its connection with the initiatives and proposals stemming from the Sustainable Finance Action Plan. The research is connected with EUKI’s project on “Improving climate and sustainability corporate disclosure policies to enable sustainable finance”.

Published: 20 December 2019

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Alain Deckers, Head of Unit, Corporate reporting, audit and credit rating agencies, DG FISMA, EU Commission
  • Charlotte Gardes, Deputy Head of the Financial Stability at DG Trésor, France
  • Bastian Buch, Chief of Standards at GRI
  • Richard Howitt, formerly CEO of the IIRC and MEP
  • Heidi Hautala, MEP and Vice-President of the European Parliament
  • Lara Wolters, MEP
  • Sebastien Godinot, Economist at WWF European Policy Office
  • Mirjam Wolfrum, Director Policy Engagement, CDP Europe
  • Filip Gregor, Head of Responsible Companies, Frank Bold
  • Carlos Cordero, Managing Partner, Sustentia
  • Michael Zimonyi, Policy & External Affairs Director, CDSB
  • Rosl Veltmeijer-Smits, Portfolio Manager, Triodos Investment Management

Further Information

17 February 2020, 12.30h – 18.00h

Residence Palace, Rue de la Loi 155, Brussels

Participants will include regulators, investor and company representatives, civil society organisations, think tanks and supervisory authorities, who will engage in a crucial discussion with speakers about the future review of the NFR Directive (included in the Green Deal for 2020).

Copyright: Photo by Simon Migaj | Unsplash

The Alliance for Corporate Transparency project was set up to analyse how companies are implementing the requirements introduced by the EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive with the objective of providing evidence and data to substantiate the debate on the standardisation of corporate sustainability reporting and the role of the law.

The research is connected with EUKI’s project on “Improving climate and sustainability corporate disclosure policies to enable sustainable finance” that has started in 2019 with the objective of improving corporate disclosure of climate and sustainability risks and mitigation plans under the new reporting obligations required by the law. The project aims to support the reorientation of capital flows towards sustainable investment and foster the development of transition plans by companies and investors to low-carbon business models.

Register for the event here. For any queries, please contact Susanna Arus, Project Coordinator at susanna.arus@frankbold.org.

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