GTL Start-ups from Crete in the Ruhr Area: Experience exchange for transition

by , GreenTecLabs

Published: 08 December 2021

The 5 winning projects of the GreenTecLab project in Crete visited the Ruhr Area together with the project partners from Athens and Heraklion. The Heinrich Böll Foundation Greece made this trip possible for the green founders. The aim was to get to know a region that needed to develop new perspectives and ideas during the structural change, to meet companies with which cooperation would make sense or who would pass on their experience and to get to know the start-up scene of the Ruhr area. The visit was inspiring and will support the start-ups in their development. We would like to thank the Heinrich Böll Foundation, the Ruhr Hub, the Impact Hub in Essen and the Gründer Zentrum Triple Z, the Science Park Gelsenkirchen, the IKKE in Duisburg and a lot of companies in the Ruhr area who will support the Start-ups. We are sure that in this way we can initiate new European networks that will help start-ups and support the impact of their ideas in the local, regional, national and international environments.

Foto © GreenTecLabs

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