Living Streets – selection completed in Croatia and Greece

The Living Streets project will allow a group of cities from Croatia, Greece and Portugal to redefine the socio-economic and the aesthetic dimension of their streets within the urban development framework. To select the cities that will take part in the experiment, project implementing partners have launched national calls for interest. The selection has been made in Croatia and in Greece, and is underway in Portugal.

by Bénédicte Weber, Living Streets

Published: 05 November 2020

In Croatia, Terra Hub opened the call on May 6, 2020. It was closed on July 1st, 2020. 21 cities submitted a proposal to the call. After the evaluation of the applications by a national jury, and a validation by the project consortium, the cities of Poreč and Križevci were selected. The city of Poreč will focus on a very busy street, they plan on organizing, among other things, intergenerational activities and a parking day festival, from March until September 2021. The Living Streets for the city of Križevci will take place in 5 different locations, in each there will be activities during 2 weeks, between April and September 2021. The programme will be designed together with the citizens, and will include among other things “Do It Yourself” (DIY) workshops and activities in the field of education.

Parking Day Porec
Parking Day Poreč

In Greece, Sustainable City Network ran the call between June 22nd 2020 and September 9th 2020. Eight applications have been received. As for Croatia, a national jury evaluated the applications and their decision was validated by the project consortium. The municipalities of Corinth and EllinikoArgyroupoli were selected. The Living Streets in Corinth will take place between June and August 2021. The location will change each month. Activities include: a chess festival, the establishment of a cycling day and an outdoor cinema – documentaries about environmental protection and climate change. In Elliniko-Argyroupoli, it will take place during 2 weeks in Easter 2021 in the high street located in the city center. Activities will focus on recycling and cycling, with road safety training.

The call of selection of Portugal had been running until this month and the selection is underway.

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