Event invitation “Building back better: Financing the transition towards low-carbon economy”

The EU is aiming to become climate-neutral in 2050. With this respect the 2030 climate targets have increased stirring a debate especially in Central Europe. In the same time, the post-Covid recovery represents an immense challenge and even a bigger opportunity to move towards a low carbon economy and society.

by Michaela Valentová, Climate Investment Capacity 2030

Published: 01 December 2020

Join us for the discussion!

We would like to cordially invite you to an international discussion seminar „Building back better: Financing the transition towards low-carbon economy“ which will take place online on 9th December from 4 pm CET.

Further Information

What is in there for you?

The discussion seminar is divided into two sessions.

The first panel will discuss national positions to raising the greenhouse gas emissions target ambition. The panelists include Reinhard Haas (Vienna University of Technology, AT), Stefan Schleicher (University of Graz, AT), Adela Denková (Association of International Affairs, CZ) and Tomas Smejkal (Ministry of Industry and Trade, CZ).

The second session will look into the main strategies to financing the transition to low carbon economy with Amela Ajanovic (Vienna University of Technology, AT), Nathalie Binet (European Investment Bank, CZ), Agris Kamenders (Riga Technical University, LV) and David Rusnok (Climate & Company, DE).

A detailed program of the discussion seminar is attached here.

Participation in the event is free of charge.

The seminar is organized by the Czech-Austrian Energy Expert Group (CZ-AT EEG) together with the Climate Investment Capacity project.

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