Reduce, Optimise, Decarbonise: Pathways Towards Sustainable Mobility in Municipalities

Even if all cars were powered electrically instead of by gasoline or diesel, they would still largely dominate the public space and major mobility-related challenges would remain. There is a dire need for enhanced infrastructure and facilities for pedestrians and cyclists, accessibility of district centres, safety for senior citizens and children, and affordable and barrier-free access to public transportation. Integrated approaches to sustainable mobility are key to bring about change and meet these needs.

by Camille Serre and Lisa Schäfer, BEACON

Published: 08 April 2020

From 25 to 27 February 2020, more than 20 representatives of BEACON municipalities and experts exchanged views on how cities can shape the transition towards sustainable mobility in Kalamata, Greece. They addressed questions such as what are critical issues to take into account when developing and implementing a SUMP (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan)? How can we strategically select mobility measures to achieve the municipality’s vision? How should we engage with the various stakeholders (car drivers, pedestrians, administrative staff)?

In a series of sessions with practical inputs and hands-on work on selected cases from the group, participants discussed challenges and approaches to sustainable mobility in their cities. Among the flagship projects: Bielefeld’s redesign of the Jahnplatz to reduce motorised transport and transition to an emission-free city center and Braga’s flagship projects: the Braga Urban Innovation Laboratory Demonstrator (BUILD) and the redesign of four neighbourhoods into “blocks”, similar to Barcelona’s approach.

The workshop participants explore Kalamata’s network of bike paths. © BEACON / Nikitas Kotsiaris

An urban planning perspective was integrated throughout the workshop to align sustainable mobility measures with different social, geographic and economic needs. Ultimately, the municipal representatives shared their ideas and favourite actions to participate in the 2020 edition of the European Mobility Week… to be continued!

For further information about the workshop and receive the photo documentation, contact adelphi at