Call for Project Ideas: Climate Action Connects Europe
Die “Europäische Klimaschutzinitiative” (EUKI) des Bundesumweltministeriums ruft interessierte gemeinnützige Organisationen auf, Ideenskizzen zur innereuropäischen Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet des Klimaschutzes einzureichen. Bi- und multilaterale Projekte sollen den Austausch guter Praxis beim Klimaschutz und den klimapolitischen Dialog mit anderen EU-Mitgliedstaaten intensivieren. Bis zum 16. März 2018 können Projektvorschläge eingereicht werden, bei denen Vertreter oder Organisationen aus zwei oder mehr EU-Ländern zusammenarbeiten sollen.
The European Climate Initiative launches a second call for project ideas
The Federal Environment Ministry’s European Climate Initiative (EUKI) is calling for non-profit organisations to submit project ideas on inner-European cooperation in the field of climate action. The goal of such bi- and multilateral projects must be to strengthen exchanges on climate action best practices and foster climate policy dialogue with other EU member states. The deadline for the submission of project proposals is 16 March 2018. All projects must encompass cooperation between representatives or organisations from two or more EU countries.This is the second call for project ideas. Last year, 22 projects were selected and successfully launched. These covered areas such as climate education and innovative solutions for increased energy efficiency in buildings and for greenhouse gas reductions in the energy, transport and agriculture sectors. The target groups of EUKI projects are governments, local authorities, educational institutions and stakeholders from civil society, the scientific sector and industry, in particular in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe.
Federal Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks commented: “In the European Union we have a unique opportunity to take ambitious climate action together and, by doing so, to achieve the Paris climate goals. It is important to ensure that all European countries are involved in implementation, thus establishing climate action as a connecting element in Europe. With our EUKI call for project ideas we are supporting promising projects that also promote cross-border dialogue and exchanges of experience.”
The projects financed to date cover a broad range of areas, from strategies for socially sound structural change in Eastern European mining regions to the development of a strategy for emission reductions in Poland’s heating sector and improved energy efficiency in 80 Greek pilot schools.