Online Training: Convening Multi-Stakeholder Processes
by EUKI Office,
Wie können Menschen zusammenarbeiten, die nicht einer Meinung sind und sich nicht vertrauen?
Bei der virtuellen Multi-Stakeholder-Schulung der EUKI Academy vom 25. Oktober bis 11. November 2021 tauchten 20 Teilnehmer*innen aus 12 europäischen Ländern tief in die Kunst der Planung und Durchführung von Multi-Stakeholder-Dialogen ein.

Engaging different societal actors that often share a history of distrust, bring different mindsets and worldviews to the table and see little common ground or incentive for cooperation is a key element in many EUKI projects. But how can civil society organisations convince reluctant stakeholders to bring these people together and move things forward despite a lack of convening power? And how to do this in an environment where public discourse is increasingly polarised?

In the four training sessions the participants further developed their skills to effectively plan and prepare such multi-stakeholder processes, choose the right tools for the different steps and exchange experience across countries and projects.

“I wished I had this training before we held our event,” said one of the participants. The participants unanimously rated the content as relevant to their work and were very satisfied with the training.