Public Call for Local Self-Governments in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Montenegro

by Mirza Šehović, Centre for Development and Support

Published: 05 March 2024

SECAP is a key document that represents the way in which local authorities will contribute to the implementation of specific activities aimed at mitigating the capacities at the local level, in relation to climate change, as well as efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Based on predetermined criteria, five municipalities/cities will be selected in each project country, to work on the development of SECAP in the coming period. The selected LSGs will receive support for developing these strategic documents as technical assistance, including advisory services and engagement of experts for document preparation. During this process, activities will also be organized for employees in local governments concerning capacity building, such as training and workshops.

As a condition for preparing SECAP, selected municipalities/cities will accede to the Covenant of Mayors – the world’s largest movement of cities and municipalities focused on local activities affecting climate and energy. By joining this covenant, LSGs demonstrate their commitment to achieving EU climate and energy goals, reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The call is announced within the three-year project “Green Kick,” which is simultaneously implemented in three countries of the region and aims to strengthen the influence of civil society in the field of decarbonization and climate change protection. Some of the main activities of the project include capacity development, improving cooperation between civil society organizations and LSGs, and the public campaign “Green Transition has no alternative.” The project is implemented in partnership with the Center for Development and Support CRP from Tuzla, Smart Kolektiv from Belgrade and FORS Montenegro from Nikšić.

More information about the public call and application process is available in the Serbian and Montenegrin language.

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