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Study: Assessment of Investment Needs and Gaps in Relation to the 2030 Climate and Energy Targets of Germany

Why is the study exciting and relevant for other EUKI projects and for decision makers in the private and public sector dealing with investment challenges? We show key methods (and their limitations!) for estimating investment needs in –relation to achieving climate and energy targets. This is even more relevant at the moment, because all EU member states are drawing up National Energy and Climate Plans, where they need to report (to the EU Commission and to each other) how they intend to achieve the national climate and energy targets by 2030, how much investment is needed and how the financing can be provided. If you are going to run other investment needs assessment or if your counterparts in the government or the private sector are confronted with similar challenges, our analysis will help you to find guidance through the jungle of existing methods.

The full report is rather comprehensive and can be used as a manual, where you either learn the whole story or where you can look up specific chapters to answer your questions about, say, modelling investment needs for renewable energy!

The short and the long version of the study can be downloaded below.

Summary fo decision makers

Full report

Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility

Climate and Energy Investment Map of Czechia

Draft of the Czech CEIM is out!

We are glad to share the news that our project has finalized a draft of the Climate and Energy Investment Map for Czechia. The map reflects domestic investment flowing into climate protection and energy transition. It covers total capital expenditure for such measures in two sectors, energy supply and buildings. These are the most important contributors to greenhouse gas emissions of Czechia. The Czech map replicates the Climate and Energy Investment Map Germany, which we published in February 2019.

Figure: Draft of the 2017 Climate and Energy Investment Map for Czechia, CZK billion:

Selected Insights

In 2017, public and private actors invested CZK 18.1 billion in climate mitigation measures in the buildings and energy sectors of Czechia. Investment in energy efficiency measures (CZK 11.4 billion, and 63 % of the total tracked investment) largely prevail over the investment in renewable energy and fuel switch.

The main sources of investment were private entities, such as households and corporate actors, providing 60 % of the total investment (CZK 10.7 billion). The rest were public sources, stemming mainly from the EU Funds and public national budget.

The key instrument used to support investment in the buildings sector were grants while the contribution of other financial instruments was not significant. In the energy sector, the main instruments were feed-in-tariffs and green bonus, representing operational support into renewable energy development.

The intermediaries assisting the provision of capital were national ministries and their agencies, as well as the various actors of the capital market.