WebSeminar Invitation | The German EU Council Presidency: Setting the course for a sustainable recovery? | 13.7.2020, 14:00-15:00

Dear colleagues,
the German EU Council Presidency kicks off on 1 July 2020, with the first major summit taking place already on 18 July. This summit is supposed to negotiate the EU budget and recovery fund and set the course for the Council meetings later in the year, which are expected to do most of the heavy lifting in terms of climate policy.
Below headline issues like the 2030 target and the EU climate law, a number of critical decisions will be made concerning Europe’s future infrastructure and the direction of the economic recovery. Upcoming initiatives on gas infrastructure and transport in particular have the potential to either propel Europe towards a climate-neutral economy, or lock us into fossil-fuel dependence for decades.
In this WebSeminar, we want to present the current state of the debate in Germany, highlight priorities the German Council Presidency should address, and share experiences from our ongoing work on these issues, at the German and European level.
We hereby invite you to take part in the WebSeminar
The German EU Council Presidency: Setting the course for a sustainable recovery?
on Monday, 13 July 2020, 14.00-15.00
Moderation: Julian Schwartzkopff, DUH
Please register until 10 July with rueger@duh.de to participate. Login details will be circulated prior to the WebSeminar.
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