ClimArchiNet: International conference on sustainable architecture soon in Bratislava
We invite you on a discussion about sustainable architecture, its contemporary and future form.

On April 13th in Cultural and creative centre Nová Cvernovka in Bratislava, Slovakia
We are at the crossroads, facing challenges such as the climate crisis, the pandemic, the lack of affordable housing or social tensions. However, it seems that it does not make sense to continue on this path, but it is not possible to go back. The only option is to find a new way that will create new opportunities for our and future generations.
Can we take a critical look at the current situation and find the key to a better lifestyle that will not be a burden on the environment in which we live?
It is we who can change the current consumerist way of life, architects, engineers, developers, politicians, officials, residents, all of whom, by our decisions, create the future.
This year, the conference is different again, although it builds on previous years – on passive houses and buildings A0. This time we are not only going back to the roots and to the city…
We are going back to our values. Inspired by the New European Bauhaus, which is committed to sustainability, aesthetics and inclusion. We will look for them together in both urban and rural environments.
Individual subject blocks will, besides key speakers, contain moderated panel discussions of the invited guests. Audience can join the discussion freely through the application
We invite you to the IV. year of the conference A0. Again, it will be different, extraordinary, suited for architects, but also for those who are willing to listen and speak their mind.
9:00 – 9:30 Arrival and registration
09:30 – 09:45 OPENING SPEECH
Ľubica Šimkovicová, Passive House Institute Slovakia
Iľja Skoček, Slovak Chamber of Architects
Tomáš Vanický, Centrum pasívního domu
Architecture as a social mission. In times of global crises, Europe is looking for solid ground and its direction. The new European Bauhaus finds the values of sustainability, inclusion and beauty all around us and has the ambition to change thinking and priorities.
Peter Beňuška (SK): Inspirational values of the New European Bauhaus
David Juárez Latimer-Knowles, Straddle3 (ESP): Tactical housing for the compact city
Markus Zilker, Einszueins Architektur (AT): Discovering Vienna’s Co-housing model: Gleis 21
Alexandra Georgescu and Tomáš Kozelský, KOGAA studio (CZ): City re-use by KOGAA
Panel discussion, moderated by Ľubica Šimkovicová
12:00 – 13:00 LUNCH BREAK
We are gradually coming to realize that there can be no sustainable and other architecture. There are just different ways to approach this topic. Intenionally or unawarely as a natural part of creation? Looking to the future or to the past? Where do the various aspects intersect and how does the current generation of active architects 40 +/- reflect them in their work?
Keynote speaker: Štěpán Valouch, ov-a (CZ): A couple of houses back in the game
Jana Štofan Styková (SK)
Martin Skoček (SK): House V – the process
Discussion: Štěpán Valouch, Jana Štofan Styková, Martin Skoček, Nora Vranová, Martin Kusý
14:30 – 15:00 COFFEE TIME
Sustainable architecture on the scale of a district? Urban planning as a way to energy independence? Can be done. Under the leadership of quality architecture, sophisticated energy concepts and with regard to other pillars of sustainability, pilot districts are emerging in Europe such as ÉcoQuartier Clichy-Batignolles in Paris or Seestadt Aspern in Vienna. How is the cooperation between the city, developers and architects?
Catherine Centlivre, Paris & Métropole aménagement (FR): Eco-district Clichy-Batignolles : a benchmark for sustainable development
Jakob Dunkl and Carmen Hottinger, Querkraft Architekten (AT): Emotional sustainability and love in architecture
Filip Gulan and Samuel Csáder, Corwin (SK): Palma: From brownfield to sustainable district
Boris Meluš (SK) : Nová Cvernovka
Panel discussion
17:00-17:30 DINNER
17:30 – 22:00 EVENING PARTY
Programme change reserved.
Conference website
In case of any question, please contact us: