Climate Change – See, Feel, Change

Encouraging people in Lithuania and Latvia to engage in climate action through a mobile museum.

Awareness Climate Policy


Project info


Latvia, Lithuania

Project duration:

09/21 - 12/23

Target groups:

General public, Media, Non-governmental organisations, Educational institutions


928,614.57 €

Contact info


Gediminas Kondrackis

Implementing organisation
  • Latvian Fund for Nature


Lithuania and Latvia need more ambitious climate policies if they are to meet the Paris Agreement as well as the EU climate targets. Young people have the potential to become the driving force behind such a development – if they are sufficiently aware of both climate change impacts as well as their power to change things. This potential is not fully tapped in Lithuania and Latvia, partly because climate issues have no space in school curricula so far.

Exhibition Climate Change – see, feel, change © Archimedes


The project team targets young people, but also the general public through an exhibition on climate change. In 20 municipalities, the mobile museum “Climate Change – see, feel, change“ provides information to young people and encourages them to become active in the fight against climate change. The exhibition focuses on multimedia tools and visitor interaction; for example visitors can calculate their carbon foot print and analyse the impact of easy-to-take climate action.

Several PR and media measures accompany the exhibition, including reporting by biggest Baltic broadcaster TV3, grand opening events and climate round tables. Through this, the project team aims to go beyond their initial target group of young people and include a wider public into their efforts and eventually trigger a public debate and support for ambitious climate policies. Additionally, the project team offers seminars for teachers and provides them with education material so that climate issues become more present in school curricula.

Supporting the formation of an educated public, and especially youth, the project thus contributes to wide public support of ambitious climate policies and, eventually, their implementation.

Last update: February 2025

Success Stories

See, feel, change!

A rolling Climate Museum tours through 20 cities in Lithuania and Latvia, and encourages people to take climate action. More than 30.000 people have already visited the mobile exhibition and learned about their personal impact on climate change. The innovative EUKI project won the 2022 Baltic Sustainability Award 2022 in the changemaker category and the International Youth Karlspreis in 2023. Keep it rolling!

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