Training teachers on ecological footprints to familiarise and sensitise their students to protect the environment.
Awareness Climate Policy Education
Austria, Romania, Slovenia
01/23 - 12/24
Educational institutions, General public
507,545.72 €
Georgiana Grigore
Although environmentalism is on the rise throughout Europe, consumerism and mass production are still deeply rooted in large parts of society. In Romania, two recent documents – the 5th National Report on the Convention of Biological Diversity and the National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS) – emphasise the need for more sustainable lifestyles. Both of them identify education and awareness raising among youth and teachers as key approaches in this regard.
The project equips 60 teachers from a minimum of 20 secondary schools from 25 per cent of Romanian counties with the necessary tools to make their pupils familiar with and sensitise them for the protection of the environment. This leads to increased environmental awareness among their students and to more sustainable habits for the next generation, thus reducing Romania’s ecological footprint in the long term. The project builds on two preceding EUKI projects, namely Reducing Footprints through Eco-Awareness (REFE) and Sustainaware, which developed a curriculum on the ecological footprint as well as an ecological footprint calculator. Adding to these accomplishments, the project develops the EcoFootprint calculator, and an eLearning platform for the teachers to improve their knowledge and provide them with a sound basis. Furthermore, it provides training materials, concepts, and tools to all implementing countries – namely Austria, Germany, Romania, and Slovenia – and the EUKI community through its eLearning platform and dissemination activities.
Last update: January 2025