GRAD – Green Roofs for Climate Adaption in Urban Areas

This project is completed. The project partners developed strategies to spread roof and façade greening in eight Polish cities. Thereby, they built on the experience of Hamburg as a German model city, which has not only used roof greening to reduce CO2 but also to improve the climate of the city.

Buildings Climate Strategies and Plans Energy Transition and Climate-Neutral Buildings


Project info


Germany, Poland

Project duration:

10/18 - 12/20

Target groups:

Local governments, Educational institutions, Private sector


163,110.96 €

Contact info


Patrycja Płonka

  • Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg - Ministry of Environment and Energy; General Directorate of Nature Conservation, Landscape Architecture & Energy Division; NGE1 Landscape Planning and Urban Green


The activities throughout the project addressed the consequences of increased urbanisation processes, in particular the reduction of green spaces in cities. As a solution, the project promoted the creation of green roofs and green walls, which are still rare in Poland. Such green areas come with many benefits: they retain rainwater, increase urban green surface, reduce temperature differences and air stagnation, increase biodiversity, tie CO2 and reduce its amount in the atmosphere.

Study Trip to Hamburg in June 2019, Photo: ©PNEC


The project planned the transfer of German experiences and practices in the field of climate adaptation and mitigation to Poland. The focus lay upon the development of strategies and solutions to support the creation of green roofs. Established bilateral exchange with the city of Hamburg led to the development of eight local green roof strategies for eight Polish cities. The results were included in policy documents and the strategies were promoted among other cities to encourage them to take similar action. Planned capacity building and networking activities included the organisation of thematic seminars, workshops, study trips to Hamburg and the development of an inspirational brochure presenting German good practices in the field of green roofs, climate adaptation and climate mitigation strategies. The activities were connected with a widespread dissemination campaign to raise public awareness about the positive climate aspects of green roofs.


  • Eight Polish municipalities were taught to design green roof strategies and trained to implement them. 
  • Eight model strategies were developed and translated into local policies.  
  • Approximately 200 municipalities improved their knowledge and showed interest in green roof strategies. 

Last update: February 2025

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