Green Growth Partnership (GGP)

Exchange between politics and business for a climate-neutral and competitive Europe.

Climate Policy

Waving EU flag

Project info



Project duration:

06/21 - 12/23

Target groups:



191,269.98 €

Contact info



The Green Growth Partnership (GGP) is a joint initiative of members of leading companies in Europe (CLG Europe) and ministers of European states (Green Growth Group). It provides a forum to promote an exchange between European governments and businesses, with the regular involvement of parliamentarians and other key stakeholders, to support the development of a climate-neutral and competitive Europe.


The project team brings together representatives from business and EU member states who share high climate ambitions. Specifically, the EUKI supports activities of the GGP, such as the organisation of the Green Growth Summit and roundtables. The activities aim to promote dialogue between European governments, companies, EU institutions and other important interest groups on current EU climate policy issues. As a result, political recommendations and measures for the implementation of the European Green Deal, EU 2030 climate target or an ambitious EU 2040 climate target are issued, for example. In this way, a contribution is made to the EU’s climate targets.

Last update: July 2024