GreenVOCnet – Motivation for Green Entrepreneurship

Developing and implementing two vocational education and training programmes for green hydrogen and heat pumps in Greece, Slovakia and Spain.

Education Gender Sustainable Economy

First visit at Keyter one of the enterprises supporting the project

Project info


Greece, Slovakia, Spain

Project duration:

11/23 - 03/26

Target groups:

Educational institutions, Private sector, General public


916,880.49 €

Contact info


Silke Steinberg

  • Asociación de Investigación y Cooperación Industrial de Andalucía (AICIA)
  • Deutsch-Griechische Industrie- und Handelskammer (AHK Griechenland)
  • PEDAL Consulting


In Greece, Slovakia and Spain, innovative technical expertise in climate-relevant technologies is widely available at specialist level. However, there is a lack of innovation transfer to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and to vocational education and training (VET) institutions. As a result, these countries face a significant shortage of skilled workers to bring these technologies to the market. This is particularly true for green hydrogen and heat pump technologies combined with renewable energies. Enabling VET institutions to train future workers in this field is in line with Germany’s energy priority to accelerate the expansion of green hydrogen. With its strategy on hydrogen, the European Union also supports the production of green hydrogen and the creation of a market and infrastructure.

Kick-off at IES Marques de Comares in Lucena_participating Vocational Training Centers © fiap ev


An expert advisory board, which has been set up for the project, develops a European umbrella concept for certified training on heat pumps combined with renewable energies and on green hydrogen. It works closely with local networks of VET providers and SMEs in the Greek region of Western Macedonia, in Andalusia in Spain and in Slovakia to adapt the concept to local needs. The networks are supported in establishing green training centres where they can pilot the newly designed courses. This process also empowers VET providers to develop new education and training offers in climate-related technologies and will serve as a blueprint for other training courses. SMEs can use the process to strengthen their green innovation management.  

The project raises young people’s awareness of the attractiveness of green technical professions. It showcases career opportunities, and makerspaces offer young vocational students the opportunity to experiment with new green technologies and to develop ideas for starting their own businesses.  Awareness-raising activities also increase public acceptance of green technologies and strengthen cooperation in this field.

Last update: July 2024

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