Just Transition Lab

Assisting coal regions in Poland and Germany in planning their transitions in a participatory manner, thereby creating a replicable model for other coal regions.

Climate Strategies and Plans Coal Phase-out Energy Transition Energy Transition and Climate-Neutral Buildings Just Transition


Project info


Germany, Poland

Project duration:

10/20 - 10/22

Target groups:

Local governments, Regional governments, National governments, General public, Associations, Civil society


325,051.30 €

Contact info


Mateusz Kowalik

  • Green Future Institute Foundation
  • Lusatian Perspectives


European coal regions are in the process of creating their transition plans. For several reasons, many regions struggle to make this a participatory process: lack of up-to-date information, of knowledge on available solutions, and of experience in involving all stakeholders. Yet, there is time to fill this gap, as the drafting processes of territorial just transition plans are still ongoing. This offers a good opportunity to try and test new ways for more ambitious and more democratic transition planning.

Discussing the Just Transition. Photo: (c) Polska Zielona Siec


The project focuses its respective activities on two regions: Eastern Wielkopolska in Poland and Lausitz in Germany. It provides local communities with a forum for inclusive debate. The forum invites citizens to address the region’s specific problems, seek solutions, and formulate concrete project ideas. The project also offers access to policy updates, best practices, useful information, and opportunities for networking and exchange of ideas between Eastern Wielkopolska and Lausitz. Over the course of two years, the project organises a series of stakeholder meetings, workshops, and trainings addressing local governments, local businesses, miners, NGOs, and civil society representatives. Furthermore, the project organises two study visits to the respective partner country. The project communicates all relevant activities via its online channels and through media work. The project results are later presented at a final conference.

Last update: September 2024