The project is completed. It integrated climate-related financial analyses to a greater extent into the strategic decision-making processes of Polish politicians and investors. It organised and facilitated dialogues between national and international actors in the public and private sector, conducted analyses and provided concrete policy advice.
Energy Efficiency Sustainable Economy
France, Germany, Poland
09/18 - 10/20
161,055.00 €
Aleksander Śniegocki
The transition to a low-carbon economy requires an unprecedented restructuring of financial flows in favour of sustainable investment.
The project was based on a project in France that produced a detailed overview of French climate finance and that linked these findings closely with the national strategy development and planning processes. This kind of analysis provides an opportunity to improve coordination of the incentives offered in the climate policy conditions of the EU and its member states to promote investment and to use funds.
The project focused on Poland. Key prior experience was contributed from Germany and France.
The project stepped up the exchange of experience between policymakers, climate experts, the private sector and civil society to improve the way in which domestic investment conditions are assessed and shaped for the benefit of climate finance. This was followed by analyses that demonstrated the financing instruments available for achieving the climate objectives and for promoting the transition to a low-emission economy. The project partners also explored the potential for introducing forward-looking analyses and investment plans as part of the national climate strategies.
Last update: February 2025