International Conference on Ecosocial Education

In regard to a changing world climate, students of all ages have to be encouraged to develop knowledge and skills to effectively cope with the challenges of the future and to have empathy for their social and natural environment. In this endeavour, teachers play a key role, and they are the target group of the International Conference on Ecosocial Education. The purpose of the conference is to empower primary and secondary school teachers with new knowledge so that they can raise generations of proactive individuals.




Project Event

28. September 2023
9:00 AM - 1:30 PM

The red thread of the Conference on Ecosocial Education organised by EUKI project Classroom for Life will be place-based learning. Through lectures, workshops and presentations of practices, the conference will address topics such as localisation, integrated systems thinking, transformative pedagogy, green competencies and climate education. A roundtable with decision-makers and stakeholders of the Slovenian school system is also part of the conference program. The event is primarily adressing teachers of Slovenian primary and secondary schools, as well as all other interested stakeholders of educational institutions.

Date: 28 September 2023

Time: 9:00am – 1:30pm

The first day of the conference will be held online and is open to the public.

Find more information and the full program on the conference website.

Registration can be formalised here.

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