Celebrating 5 Years EUKI
by EUKI,
Die deutsche Bundesregierung startete die EUKI 2017, zwei Jahre nach dem Pariser Klimaabkommen. Damit setzte sie ein Zeichen in Sachen europäischer Klimaschutz und unterstützte den Gedanken, dass die EU-Klimaziele nur erreichbar sind, wenn einzelne Länder, aber auch die Zivilgesellschaften intensiv zusammenarbeiten, sich austauschen und gegenseitig unterstützen.
![DST0116 BMU/André Wagenzik, 2. Jahreskonferenz Europäische Klimaschutz](https://www.euki.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/DST0116-scaled.webp)
Why an European climate action initiative?
In 2017 the German government launched EUKI, two years after the Paris Climate Agreement. In doing so, it set an example in terms of European climate action and supported the idea that EU climate goals can only be achieved if individual countries, as well as civil societies, work together intensively, exchange ideas and support each other. Germany can learn from this, for example, if Poland enhances its heat efficiency or if the just coal phase-out in Bulgaria is advanced by innovative measures. The EUKI has followed this idea to this day and mainly funds transnational projects in which organisations cross-fertilize each other and accelerate climate action across borders. The EUKI has been supervised by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action since the beginning of 2022.
The EUKI community is becoming more European, larger and more diverse
In the first EUKI call for project ideas in 2017, 65% of the project proposals were still submitted by German organisations. In 2021 and 2022, a good 80% of the project outlines came from other European countries. In addition to EU countries, applicants from the Western Balkans and other EU-candidate countries have also been able to participate in the call for project ideas since 2020, enriching the EUKI community.
What are the projects working on?
The majority of EUKI projects work on the thematic blocks of climate policy (33 projects), energy (29 projects) and awareness raising (27 projects). Depending on the current needs in European climate policy, this distribution varies from year to year. An overview of all projects funded by EUKI since 2017 can be found here.
Thank you to more than 150 project teams for a great contribution to European climate action!