5th Call for Project Ideas for transboundary climate action in Europe
Am 25. November 2020 hat das Bundesumweltministerium den Startschuss für den fünften Ideenwettbewerb der Europäischen Klimaschutzinitiative (EUKI) gegeben. Bis zum 19. Januar 2021 sind gemeinnützige Organisationen in der Europäischen Union dazu aufgerufen, ihre Projektideen zum grenzüberschreitenden Klimaschutz einzureichen. Die EUKI vernetzt lokale Akteurinnen und Akteure, um eine gemeinsame, ambitionierte Klimaschutzpolitik in Europa umzusetzen.

Federal Environment Minister Schulze commented: “The EU member states will agree on a new, more ambitious EU climate target by the end of this year. The path we have to take is clear: Europe needs and wants more climate action. To achieve the climate target within the next ten years we want to join forces in Europe and promote exchanges of expertise and practical solutions. The close, cross-border cooperation in more than 100 climate action projects as part of our European Climate Initiative helps us implement an effective climate strategy in close collaboration in Europe”.

EUKI projects provide forward-looking ideas for European climate action. They are categorised into the following eight core areas: climate policy, energy, buildings and municipalities, mobility, agriculture, soils and forestry, awareness, climate-aligned finance and sustainable economy. These transboundary projects should also help simplify the EU climate policy dialogue. The target groups are governments, municipalities, educational institutions and stakeholders from civil society, science and industry, in particular in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe and the Baltic states.

The growing network of the European Climate Initiative currently covers 241 organisations that are active in 25 EU member states and 5 Western Balkan countries and that have a cross-border impact. EUKI projects focus on climate-friendly and liveable cities, socially acceptable structural change in coal mining regions and raising awareness of responsible nature conservation and climate action among European schoolchildren, to name just a few examples. EUKI has launched 128 climate action projects in Europe since it was established in 2017.

On 15 December 2020, EUKI will hold an online information day on the 5th Call for proposals under the EUKI financing programme. It shall help potential applicants in preparing successful proposals by providing an overview over financing objectives, formal requirements and the evaluation procedure. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions. You find more information on EUKI’s 5th call for project ideas on the Selection Procedure Subpage.
Press release of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) dated 25 November 2020.