Introducing the Partnership of Alpine Municipalities for More Climate Action at COP 23
People living in the Alps region feel global warming in their everyday lives. Therefore, active towns, cities and municipal associations in the Alpine region are currently establishing a regional partnership for more climate action.

This initiative, developed by CIPRA International, the Alliance in the Alps and the Alpine Town of the Year Association, was presented on 6 November 2017 in the German Pavilion at COP 23 in Bonn. Jochen Flasbarth, State Secretary at the Federal Environment Ministry, attended the event. This climate action alliance of Alpine municipalities will promote supra-regional exchange of experience, contributing to transforming the Alps into a role model for climate action and adaptation to the impacts of climate change. This is in line with the goal stipulated in the Alpine Convention: to make living and working in the Alpine region climate-neutral by 2050. The climate partnership of Alpine municipalities showcases active climate action by towns and communities for the benefit of other mountain regions in Europe and beyond.
The idea for a regional partnership has its roots in a project on local climate action in the Alps sponsored by the Federal Environment Ministry in the context of Germany’s Presidency of the Alpine Convention in 2015-16. The Alpine towns and municipalities involved sent a climate appeal to the delegates of the Paris Climate Change Conference (COP 21) and advocated for a strong climate agreement. This kicked off the development of a regional partnership aimed at closer cooperation on climate action at the municipal level.
The current project to develop a climate partnership of Alpine municipalities is supported by the Federal Environment Ministry in the framework of the European Climate Initiative (EUKI).