Climate Action to the Table: Second Set of Project Events
Fundesplai from Barcelona, Spain and Umanotera, The Slovenian Foundation for Sustainable Development from Ljubljana, Slovenia are the two partner organisations of EUKI’s Climate Action to the Table project. As part of the project, both organisations have been holding live and online events on the topics of climate friendly and sustainable food.
Autumn and winter project events of Climate Action to the Table
In the second half of 2022, Umanotera organised two events about the intersection of climate and food. The first was an in-person event, titled “Climate crisis and rising food prices – how to solve two problems at the same time?” (September 26, Hiša EU). Experts from various backgrounds (academic, NGO, farming) discussed the following question: What are the key vulnerability factors and especially which are the changes at both the consumer and systemic level that are needed in order to ensure quality, safe and accessible food while reducing the impact on climate change?
Further information
The second event by Umanotera was titled: “Climate and environment-friendly food: Plant-based meat alternatives” (October 6, online). Speakers held presentations and discussed the necessity of addressing the topic of climate-friendly food and explained what plant-based meat alternatives are, which types are available on the market today and how they differ from each other. They also discussed consumers’ motivation for purchasing plant-based meat alternatives and current market trends in this field.
Umanotera was not the only partner organisation within the project to organise an event in October, as Fundesplai followed soon with a conference: “Advertising, Food and Childhood” (October 18, Fundesplai HQ). The event featured Aitor Sánchez, dietician-nutritionist and science communicator. The need to regulate food advertising of unhealthy foods to children and during childhood was emphasised.
In the beginning of 2023, Fundesplai organised another two events. The first was an online event, titled “School Agroecology: realities, challenges, and perspectives” (January 26, online). Three talks by an EUKI representative, an environmental educator and an agronomist were held, during which the themes of intra-European cooperation on climate action, educational resources for working at schools and agroecology in Catalonia among other topics were discussed.
On the last day in January, Fundesplai held the last event in the cycle of conferences as part of the Climate Action to the Table project. The event “Insects or macroalgae, new sources of protein in the diet of the future” (January 31, online) included four examples of protein sources alternative to meat consumption, their viability in the market and the benefits their consumption could bring to the future diet.