Bringing Climate Action to the Table

This project is completed. Raising awareness on sustainable diets through gamified and participatory activities in Spain, Slovenia, and Greece.

Awareness Climate Policy Food Systems


Project info


Greece, Slovenia, Spain

Project duration:

09/21 - 05/23

Target groups:

Educational institutions, General public


272,160.46 €

Contact info


Laura Calabuig

  • Institoyto Koinonikis Kainotomias Kai Synoxis
  • Umanotera, The Slovenian Foundation for Sustainable Development


As food production contributes up to 37 per cent of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, changes in individuals’ diets play a paramount role in fighting climate change. Yet, this potential remains largely untapped in the project countries: surveys have shown that, while 94 per cent of Spaniards, Slovenians, and Greeks consider climate change a serious problem, only 16 per cent of them eat a sustainable diet.

Teaching planetary health to children; Photo: © Robert Ramos / Fundesplai


The project team encouraged citizens of Spain (Catalonia), Slovenia, and Greece (Central Macedonia) to make more informed and responsible food choices. It did so by offering gamified and participatory activities that were adapted to different target groups. First, it reached out to young people through food-themed digital and physical escape room games. Second, it provided trainings and tools for childhood educators that allow them to conduct food-related activities. Lastly, it invited parents, guardians, educators, and the interested public to conferences where they can learn about and reflect on sustainable food consumption. With these activities, the project partners reached and sensitised 40,000 citizens, encouraging them to engage in food system issues and to adopt a more climate-friendly diet, thus contributing to a significant reduction of GHG emissions.


The project accomplished the training of 128 educators, equipping them with valuable insights into integrating climate-conscious teachings about food into their curricula. Following the sessions, participants were provided with a practical assortment of resources to facilitate the implementation of newly acquired knowledge in their classrooms. The instructional materials offered a comprehensive and engaging approach to understanding the concept of sustainable food practices in the context of climate change. Additionally, educators were given a comprehensive toolkit comprising nine distinct workshops centered around the promotion of environmentally conscious and health-friendly food choices. Furthermore, detailed guidelines were provided for the setup of an engaging escape room activity, designed to impart the seven fundamental principles of climate-friendly food consumption.

In the physical escape room developed by the project, 84 sessions were conducted, resulting in engagement with 2020 individuals. Moreover, the creation of a digital escape room, an engaging venture designed to educate young minds about the interconnectedness of food and climate change, had an outreach of over 9,500 participants.

Last update: January 2025

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