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Reinforcing the European Youth Employment Policy with the European Green Deal

It is urgent and necessary to act immediately on European level and in the member states against this. The already existing European Youth Guarantee has to be amplified, in order to develop an ambitious policy favouring youth qualification and employment. We propose to prepare young people for tasks and professions that are necessary for a sustainable and environmentally compatible future. The best and most convincing way to do this, will be programmes to train young people for jobs and activities that are in line with the European Green Deal.

(Not only) Europe needs urgently qualified women and men to realize the numerous tasks which are required for energy transition, for a climate-friendly mobility and climate-adaptation, for an environmental-friendly agriculture, forestry and for nature protection in general. It is absurd and unacceptable to swallow massive unemployment and social exclusion of young Europeans; if looking ahead, the EU and all member states should offer large opportunities to train them for participation in the imminent task of a European Green Deal and in a green recovery of their home-regions.

In our proposal we have

• elaborated our ideas for educational programs in technical “Green Skills” similar to offers in the German “dual system”, but focusing competence development and training in creativity , entrepreneurship and cooperative working.

• given particular attention on how to involve young Europeans (and refugees) without any work and professional qualification.

Because just these men and in particular women are suffering more and more seriously unemployment and social exclusion.
The proposal we have sent to the Commission should support the process of preparing new directives for youth employment. We have translated it in Greek and Spanish, the languages of the countries were the YES-clima project is implemented. We hope to initiate more and profound discussions and activities on how to involve the youth in the Green Deal and for their own sustainable future.

Read the full version of the proposal in:

212 Energy Scouts trained after two years – a summary

The practical projects reduce emissions on average by 94 t CO2

The sustainable results of Young Energy Europe are the practical projects of the Energy Scouts, which contribute to lower resource consumption and therefore to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The high implementation rate of the projects in the companies prove their practical relevance.

© Young Energy Europe

So far, the Energy Scouts designed 94 efficiency projects with considerable potential for savings, most of them in the areas of compressed air and lighting but the topics of mobility, resource efficiency and water consumption also play a significant role. The projects of the first two years of European Energy Scouts showed a possible reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of about 8,800 t CO2 per year. This represents potential savings of more than 10,000 MWh of electricity and considerable quantities of natural gas, heating oil and fuels, but also water, paper, batteries and plastics, which the companies now use to a lesser extent. Some projects started as pilot projects in individual branches or subsidiaries and can later be extended to other locations in order to broaden the scale of the expected savings.

More online trainings in the future

In 2020, Energy Scouts face additional challenges due to the corona crisis. Since March, many companies in the four countries have shut down and some have had to reduce personnel. Some of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI) have moved the training sessions to virtual rooms, but not everything can be done from the home office. For example, the scouts can only carry out energy consumption measurements when the companies are in actual operation again. The first positive signals in this regard are coming from Hungary and the Czech Republic.

In the future, the qualification as Energy Scout will be further optimized – from locally flexible webinars to individual advice by lecturers for separate project teams. With the Best Practices of outstanding projects and the increasing networking of the scouts, digital tools are already available to help ensure the future success of Young Energy Europe.

Energy Scout at work – Timea Kiss-Molnár measures the current intensity of a compressor with a current clamp in Hanságliget, Hungary (© Hipp Kft.)

The Energy Scouts Tomáš Fictum and Jakub Tauer from Kermi present their practical project in the CCI Czech Republic (©AHK Czech Republic)

Training courses form the base for the following practical projects of the scouts (©AHK Greece)

Energy Scout Vladislav Varbanov checking the light intensity in the warehouse of his company. (© Kaufland Bulgaria)

Young Energy Europe cooperates with KÖVET in Hungary

KÖVET is a non-profit association of 54 Hungarian companies and 25 partners from science and civil society who exchange practical and solution-oriented information on topics as corporate climate action, environmental management systems and corporate social responsibility (CSR).

KÖVET is the Hungarian partner of the EUKI project ALLIES, whose aim is it to activate investments in cost-effective energy efficiency projects by involving local organizations as investors, intermediaries and beneficiaries.

We are looking forward to the results of this collaboration!

The Hungarian team of Young Energy Europe presented the concept of energy scouts to companies and stakeholders at the conference and explored future possibilities for cooperation. Together with KÖVET, Young Energy Europe is planning a joint workshop in spring 2020. During the workshop Hungarian energy scouts will share their knowledge with current participants and KÖVET member companies in order to foster the dialogue between the two initiatives. As the common denominator of Young Energy Europe and KÖVET is practice-oriented climate and environmental action in companies, numerous synergies will result from the cooperation.

KÖVET is the Hungarian partner of the EUKI project ALLIES, whose aim is it to activate investments in cost-effective energy efficiency projects by involving local organizations as investors, intermediaries and beneficiaries.

We are looking forward to the results of this collaboration!

In the right picture Ludwig Karg, B.A.U.M. Group, explains the EUKI project ALLIES to about 50 participants of the conference. (©KÖVET)

And in the foto left we can see an example of the presentation.  Numerous presentations at the conference addressed the interaction between sustainable development and economic growth. (©KÖVET)

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