Edaphic-Bloom Danube – Final Meeting
On July 26 2023, EUKI project Edaphic-Bloom Danube organised a hybrid Final Meeting in Tulcea, in which the results of the project were presented.

In the Final Meeting, the project’s deliverables were presented: The Master Plan for the decarbonisation of the Danube Floodplain and the Danube Delta, the Guide to good practices in the project area, the Guide for the analysis of GHG emissions at the level of organic soils for decision-making by the authorities, the energy performance map of several thousand buildings in Tulcea county (http://energy.ddni.ro/), the online platform for disseminating the results of the 3D Initiative (Decarbonisation of the Danube Delta – https://edaphic-bloom.eu/ – in the process of completion), the development stage of the Cluster „3D Edaphic-BLOOM Danube„.

The involvement of the interested parties in the project area was relevant – 50 representatives from the local, regional and national authorities, the academic environment and the private environment, who are among the beneficiaries of the project, participated.
6 Adhesions to the Cluster were signed (authorities and the private sector – farmers and builders).