Addressing Climate Change in Cities – Catalogue of Urban Nature-based Solutions (Polish)
Nature-based solutions (NBS) can be used in urban settings to complement or replace “traditional” or “grey” solutions to perform functions, such as thermal insulation and stormwater retention and filtration.
This catalogue presents a wide selection of NBS that exemplify high climate mitigation potential and applicability across a range of urban contexts. The catalogue offers ten examples of multifunctional NBS that cities can implement as well as ten case studies of complex nature-based solutions applications which show how NBS can be combined together to create systemic solutions that address multiple urban challenges in parallel – at sites as small as a playground or as large as an entire city.
The catalogue, published by Ecologic Insitute and the Sendzimir Foundation, is designed to support planners, designers and landscape architects in various sized urban areas in Europe and beyond in applying NBS instead of or alongside traditional approaches. At the same time, the publication is written in an accessible manner and can be used to introduce various audiences to the concept, applications and benefits of urban nature-based solutions.