Accelerating building renovation in CEE and the Western Balkans
The European policies in line with the EPBD recast aim to accelerate the building renovations. The EPBD negotiations are still ongoing and the next trialogue will be on 7 December. The burden of implementation on some member states will be significant to meet the ambitions. Questions like what the EPBD recast will bring in terms of speeding up the building renovations and what good practices can help us prepare for this challenge will be addressed during this webinar.
13. December 2023
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
What does the EPBD recast bring in terms of speeding up the building renovations and what good practices can help us to prepare for this challenge? How are member states and municipalities ready to deliver? What is at stake in the EPBD recast negotiations and what good practices can help? Are building renovations passports a tool under consideration?
BPIE and B4F will organise this web seminar in context of their participation in EUKI project Renocally.
For participation, please click here.
The language of the seminar is English.
Agenda and Key topics
10:00 – 11.00 – Introduction and keynote speeches
- Rutger Broer – EU policy and building renovation passports, BPIE
- Marek Kremeň – Slovak Green Building Council
- Andrea Blajsková – City of Dubnica nad Váhom
- Liljana Alceva – Habitat for Humanity Macedonia
11:00 – 11:30 – Moderated panel discussion and Q&A
You can find more information on EUKI project Renocally and the event here and here.