How to Prepare a Financial Statement (Advanced)

Published: 06 November 2021

About this tutorial

You‘re an EUKI funding recipient and have to prepare your quarterly financial statement. You already went through the basic tutorial on how to generally prepare a financial statement and understood what to do. In this video tutorial series, we will give you tips on how to improve the collaboration on the financial statement with your implementing partners. Go through the steps of the preparation with the help of the fictional finance manager Maya, who works for an EUKI funded project.

Please note that the information regarding the reporting periods and the Excel template only apply to projects that started before October 2022. Projects with contracts from October 2022 on have different requirements. Updates will follow soon.

What topics does this tutorial cover?

  • How to create a time schedule to manage the preparation of the financial statement better
  • How to prepare the Excel template in a way that partners have less work
  • An instruction on how to sort the supporting documents in order to gain a faster overview
  • How to finalize the Excel template after your partners filled in their costs
  • A concluding summary of all tips

What will you achieve?

This tutorial will help you to:

  • Save lots of time when preparing the financial statement
  • Improve the collaboration with your partners with regards to the preparation of the financial statement
  • Understand what is important to consider when preparing the statement and to be able to communicate that to your partners
  • Find out where to find further tips and regulations on the EUKI and the giz website
  • Win the hearts of the EUKI finance team by submitting the perfect financial statement

What‘s the duration of this tutorial?

10 min in 6 short videos