Písek and Pirna Discuss Sustainable Mobility
The second climate partnership meeting between Písek (CZ) and Pirna (DE) in the context of the BEACON project took place in Písek on 11 – 12 September. The meeting provided a platform for municipal administrators and teachers to exchange on measures to increase sustainable transportation, share experiences with smart city concepts, and collect ideas on how to reduce the number of cars in the central square of Písek.
Representatives from Pirna presented both planned and implemented measures to enhance cycling, such as the purchase of new land for bike lanes and bicycle parking spaces. Representatives from Písek shared the city’s latest efforts to construct more bike lanes that link the city center to its more industrial areas. A brainstorm with the participants identified approaches the city of Písek could take to implement its plan to reduce the number of cars in the town square while considering citizens’ and local businesses’ concerns. For both Pirna and Písek, safety concerns were identified as the main barrier to switching from from cars to cycling.
Furthermore, the meeting highlighted best practices such as the Europe-wide sustainable mobility project for children “Kindermeilen” that Pirna’s young residents took part in or the Pisek’s involvement in the “One week without cars” initiative that seeks to raise awareness for pedestrian and bike traffic in the context of the European Sustainable Mobility Week.
The participants also went on a field trip in Písek to explore the newly constructed bike lanes for commuters and tourists and tested e-bikes provided by the tourist information office of the city. BEACON partner adelphi organized the partnership meeting in Pisek.