ClimArchiTrip – Sustainable Architecture in Austria
At the end of our project ClimArchiNet – with the support of EUKI – European Climate Initiative, we set out on a study tour. We experienced a busy 3 days in Austria, 15+ inspiring architectural works. We visited buildings that are exceptional not only in their architecture, but also in the most modern technical solutions, technologies and innovation.

Participants had the opportunity to visit a sustainable city district with passive buildings, apartment buildings, office buildings, an industrial hall, inspirational schools, dormitories, and experience living in a hotel in a passive standard.
In the buildings we were accompanied by their authors or investors. We got to know different concepts of buildings, new constructions and reconstructions and during the presentations we emphasized whether natural materials, renewable energy sources were used, what is the energy concept of buildings and what were the starting points for the design.
But see yourself…Seestadt Aspern, Vienna