Promoting Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Urban Development in Tulcea
Tulcea hosted a successful event on June 15 – 16 June 2023, focusing on energy efficiency in buildings and sustainable urban development. The event, organised as part of the EUKI project EDAPHIC-BLOOM Danube, consisted of a training session and workshops.

The training session, held on 15 June, provided professionals in the construction industry and local decision-makers with information on the legal framework and energy performance requirements for buildings. Participants learned about the concept of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) and the principles behind their construction. Certification of building energy performance and energy audits were also discussed, along with initiatives promoting nZEB buildings. The EDAPHIC BLOOM platform for mapping the energy performance of buildings in Tulcea was presented and can be viewed here:
Following the training session, workshops took place on 15 and 16 June. The workshop on 15 June focused on developing action plans for improving energy efficiency in the built environment. Participants engaged in discussions and explored case studies related to deep renovation of existing buildings.

On 16 June, the workshop highlighted sustainable energy practices and the role of architects in creating sustainable cities. Participants had the opportunity to explore digital tools for enhancing energy performance in buildings and engage in consultations with stakeholders.
These events provided a platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and discussions on energy efficiency and sustainable urban development. The aim was to foster a greener and more sustainable future in Tulcea.
Overall, the event successfully promoted energy efficiency and sustainable urban development, bringing together professionals and decision-makers interested in creating a more environmentally friendly built environment.