Putting the ETS 2 and Social Climate Fund to work
How EU countries can secure a just transition in the face of carbon pricing: This web seminar seeks to kick off the discussion on implementing the Social Climate Fund, intended to cushion the uneven impacts of the carbon price on the poor and vulnerable. EUKI project “Socially Just Carbon Pricing Policies in Central and Eastern Europe” has analyzed how just carbon pricing may look in practice with their upcoming report “Putting the ETS 2 and Social Climate Fund to work: Impacts, considerations, and opportunities for European Member States”, which will be discussed by a panel of experts.

20. October 2023
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
The web seminar on 20 October 2023, 10:30am – 11:45am CET, will include a panel discussing a range of academic and practical challenges, such as:
- Identifying impacts and patterns of vulnerability to the ETS 2
- What factors drive vulnerability in Poland and Romania, as compared to other parts of Europe
- What types of measures are eligible for Social Climate Funding
- How can we design targeted policies to effectively reach vulnerable groups
- Are there any good practices from around the world that can we draw on
- Alexander Eden, Advisor at adelphi Research and the Secretariat of the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP)
- Johanna Cludius, Senior Researcher for Energie & Klimaschutz at the Öko-Institut, Germany
- Andreea Vornicu-Chira, Expert at the Romanian Center for the Study of Democracy, Romania
- Piotr Gutowski, Energy sector specialist at WiseEuropa, Poland
- Iryna Holovko, Advisor at adelphi Research, Germany
- Milena Damianova, Legal Officer at DG Climate Action
Find more information on EUKI project “Socially Just Carbon Pricing Policies in Central and Eastern Europe” here. For the policy report “Putting the ETS 2 and Social Climate Fund to work: Impacts, considerations, and opportunities for European Member States”, which will be discussed during the webinar, click here.
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