International Energy Scouts
Sie haben nach Leckagen im Druckluftsystem gesucht, die Beleuchtung in riesigen Werkhallen ausgetauscht, Fahrzeugflotten oder die Klimatisierung optimiert. 18 der besten Energy Scouts aus Tschechien, Ungarn, Griechenland und Bulgarien kamen auf Einladung des Projekts Young Energy Europe der Europäischen Klimaschutzinitiative (EUKI) zur Hannover Messe, um sich untereinander und mit deutschen Energie Scouts auszutauschen.
![2019-06-25-Besten-Ehrung-ALLE-©-DIHK-Schicke-e1561471103542-785x215 DIHK-Schicke](©-DIHK-Schicke-e1561471103542-785x215-1.webp)
Energy Scouts are young employees from various branches. In a four-day workshop, they will learn how to identify and raise potential energy savings in their companies. At Hannover Messe in April 2019, they had the opportunity to exchange and network.
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The Energy Scouts presented their efficiency projects to the group at the booth of the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry. Nicole Meier from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Heilbronn-Franken related her long-time experience with German scouts and their projects. The basic concept of Energy Scouts was invented at ebm-papst, a company from the Heilbronn-Franken chamber district.
During a tour on one of the biggest industry trade shows, the group met German Energy Scouts who introduced their projects. At the booth of Boge Kompressoren GmbH & Co. KG, a manufacturer of compressors and compressed air systems, industrial clerk Marilena Oberhaus and technical product designer Tobias Mechsner explained how they reduced packaging material at Boge. They also presented a virtual 3D industrial compressor from inside.
Industrial clerk Larissa Meier from Harting Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, a manufacturer of industrial connectors, presented her project to the European scouts. Together with metal-cutting mechanic Dominik Meyer she optimized the compressed air system. They changed the machine lighting to LED, a measure that saves 150,000 kWh annually. At the booth, the scouts had the chance to test an industry robot. Cooperation between robots and human beings was one of the major topics of this year’s Hannover Messe.
With the Young Energy Europe project, the EUKI promotes sustainable economic activity. In its first year, the DIHK initiative trained 101 young professionals from 41 companies in four countries.