Young Energy Europe

Young Energy Europe is a project with the aim to enhance climate protection measures in companies. Young professionals from a wide range of sectors will be trained to become Energy Scouts allowing them to help monitor and reduce energy consumption in their companies.

Economy Energy Efficiency Sustainable Economy


Project info


Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia

Project duration:

04/24 - 03/27

Target groups:

Private sector, Civil society


2,479,419.82 €

Contact info


Max Junghanns

Implementing organisation
  • German Baltic Chamber of Commerce in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania (AHK Baltic)
  • German-Croatian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Croatia)
  • German-Polish Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Poland)
  • German-Serbian Chamber of Commerce (AHK Serbia)
  • German-Slovak Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Slovakia)


As part of the European Green Deal, the transformation of the energy system in conjunction with measures to increase energy efficiency in the EU has come into clear focus in recent years. In May 2022, the REPowerEU plan for more energy savings, the diversification of energy supplies, and the accelerated expansion of renewable energies as a replacement for fossil fuels was launched. In addition, the Energy Efficiency Directive adopted in July 2023 sets the legally binding target of an 11.7% reduction in final energy consumption by 2030 compared to the reference year 2020. Energy efficiency measures and energy savings in companies are particularly worthwhile in countries with high energy costs, while at the same time, many countries in Central and Eastern Europe have historically been characterized by low energy costs. Investments such as switching to LED lighting, optimizing a compressed air system, or installing a PV system on the company roof must therefore be well planned, calculated, and justified.

The project motivates companies to support the achievement of the goals of European climate and energy policy with concrete measures. Energy Scouts strengthen climate protection in companies by focusing on more efficient production processes, the switch to clean energy sources, and the economical and careful use of raw materials and resources. The transfer of know-how by Young Energy Europe is a building block on the way to the long-term goal of a climate-neutral European economy.

Energy Scouts Martin Brezina and Jana Vozárová significantly reduced lighting costs in 164 LIDL stores in Slovakia, saving 6,240 MWh and 1,167 tons of CO2 annually. (©AHK Slovakia/Barkova)


Young Energy Europe is currently training specialists from a wide range of sectors in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, and North Macedonia to become Energy Scouts. The core of Young Energy Europe's work is to use a bottom-up process to identify and exploit energy efficiency potential in European companies. The Energy Scouts will uncover customized energy and resource efficiency potential in their companies and implement it in a practical project. They initiate change processes and use a concrete and monetarily measurable project concept to underline the YEE core message: "Climate protection pays off for companies." Together with the local bilateral chambers of commerce abroad (AHKs), practical lecturers demonstrate proven energy efficiency approaches and strengthen individual solutions - tailored to the needs and possibilities of the companies. Energy Scouts learn how to analyze energy consumption in their company and develop practical projects as a team to reduce energy and resource consumption. Energy Scouts are skilled at identifying individual project approaches with high savings potential and driving forward the implementation of efficiency projects. Finally, the Energy Scout teams of each year pitch their project to the public, and an expert jury awards prizes to the best energy-saving projects. Subsequently, the majority of the energy-saving projects are implemented independently and promptly in the companies, with participants and companies benefiting equally from the program: companies can use the professional expertise of their employees to become more sustainable and save costs. The young professionals benefit both personally and professionally from the development and introduction of new ideas and solutions for their companies.

Capacity Building ©AHK Serbien

Last update: January 2025

Success Stories

Good for Resources and Finances

Young Energy Europe is enabling companies to save money but also to significantly cut their emissions. In the first year alone, 101 young employees from 41 companies in four countries have taken part in training on energy and resource efficiency, equipping them to identify energy saving potential in their own companies. Improved processes have had a beneficial financial impact in many companies, boosting the acceptability of climate change mitigation measures.

More about this project

Blog posts


05 August 2019

Sending Emissions on Holiday


23 April 2019

International Energy Scouts



12 June 2024

Efficient use of energy & resources


23 July 2018

Flyer: Young Energy Europe in Bulgaria
