Humus per la Biosfera: Indoor Environmental Education for School Children

The first phase of the project has finished. The Giacche Verdi Bronte (GV) staff and its international volunteers gave lessons in 16 schools for 1,730 children in towns within the river valleys of Mount Etna.

Published: 13 April 2022
©Giacche Verdi Bronte

In format of a comic story the previously created PowerPoint presentation informed about the relevance of humus growth for a healthy environment.

The children were interactively involved in small filtration experiments after the presentation and participated curiously, with great interest while asking many questions.

Further information

©Giacche Verdi Bronte

Now the project is about to start the second educational phase with the same children, deepening their knowledge by outdoor activities. Together with the same children compost boxes will be permanent installed in the schoolyards so that each school can actively produce its own humus.

©Giacche Verdi Bronte

©Giacche Verdi Bronte

©Giacche Verdi Bronte

Zugehöriges Projekt